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Can Herbal HRT Really Resolve Menopause Symptoms After Cancer Treatment?

Yes! Let Me Tell You About Herbs for a Natural Menopause

We all experience menopause differently, and we all experience cancer differently. If you’re reading this as a cancer survivor, you’ll know how it feels to be thrown into menopause as part of your treatment. On top of the trauma of a cancer diagnosis and the gruelling treatments, you also have to cope with an early menopause. The lack of information about safe, effective treatment options can be really frustrating. But even when the hot flushes, fatigue and anxiety feel totally out of control, it’s good to know that prescribed herbal alternatives to HRT can help you resolve your menopause symptoms quickly and safely.

So whether you’re recovering from breast cancer, ovarian, uterine or cervical cancer, you’ll find all the natural menopause treatment options you need here. Likewise, if you have a different health issue which means you can’t take HRT, our herbal remedies can help you too.

More and more women are looking for natural alternatives to HRT after cancer treatment. They need a safe way to alleviate their menopause symptoms that won’t interfere with their medication. Wherever you are on your journey through menopause after cancer, we have something to help you. Our ‘Menopause Mastery’ support group offers a gentle support and guidance with the milder symptoms, whilst our intensive 121 treatment programmes use herbal HRT to resolve more severe issues. 

Herbal medicine has been used for thousands of years of treat menopause symptoms and all other health issues. Prescribed herbal remedies can help you to process what’s happened, and carry you safely through menopause after cancer. They’re even more effective when we add in specialist health coaching, and/or advanced hypnotherapy to restore a natural balance to body, mind and soul. Our unique Menopause Rescue and bespoke programmes do just that!


Here is what some of our clients have to say:

I was recommended to Hannah by a friend as I had mentioned that I was struggling with menopause. My main symptoms were that I was struggling to sleep, my emotions and getting ratty. I was on HRT but decided not to carry on with that, I wanted to do everything holistically. I felt that there was no judgement from Hannah. The book Hannah recommended was good ‘time to heal’, I took a lot away from that. It helped me to figure out what was happening in relationship to my body and emotions. Food is powerful and also learning that it is ok to switch off, everything doesn’t have to be tidy! The main outcome was coming off HRT. Understanding the power of food and power of herbs. Thinking about things in a different way/light. Putting myself first. I have even managed to lose a stone in weight. Seeing Hannah has helped me to embrace routine and think logically. I would definitely recommend Hannah. I have even paid for and referred friends I knew would benefit from seeing Hannah.

Kelly Steadman-Hope, From Lichfield

I reached out to Hannah after she had been recommended to me by a friend. I have struggled with chronic fatigue syndrome, endometriosis and Fibromyalgia for many years. My son came home from school in February with Covid and I inevitably contracted it too. I was in so much pain in my lower back and hips I was struggling to function and would need to sleep every afternoon. I visited a homeopathic therapist many years ago which helped at the time but then symptoms soon returned. I have also tried osteopathic treatment. I have been taking medication from the doctor for many years. The most important part of the process with Hannah for me was that I was not rushed and I was allowed time to explain exactly how I felt. Hannah then assessed me as a whole and discussed what areas I would like to address first. The main outcome for me was my reduction in pain it took a few weeks and at first I felt worse before I improved. I have recently joined a gym and this is something I could never see myself doing again. I am loving being able to do more exercise and and not needing to sleep every afternoon. I am very grateful to Hannah and even though I feel so much better I am not yet ready to stop my treatment, I want to continue for a while longer until I feel ready.

Melanie Penwright, From Telford

I’ve had menopausal symptoms for many many years. Hysterectomy at 38. My symptoms included: night & day flushes, anxiety, loss of joy, thinning hair, fatigue, dry skin (and some other things I can’t mention!) Symptoms got unbearable last year. As I’ve recovered from a stroke I’m unable to take HRT so I needed an alternative to help me live again. Hannah saved my life. My menopause symptoms were gone in 4 weeks. I am sensitive and I did have a detox initially. Most don’t. I’ve felt joy again! It’s been missing it for a long time. Life then became stressful! I’m taking care of 2 very poorly people and my husband’s redundancy. I started to feel low again. I hit the deck. Everything was coming at me. Hannah stepped up again. 2 new herbal medicines later and I’m feeling brighter again. You see, Hannah investigates the underlying causes to achieve amazing results.

Andrea Rainsford, From SEO Angel

I highly recommend Hannah. I went to her (based on a recommendation I had seen on LinkedIn) for hot flushes that were also affecting my sleep. I was also struggling to lose weight and I wondered if hormones were involved there too. Anyone who lives with hot flushes knows just how exhausting it is. I can’t have HRT due to a cancer experience years ago so I really hope Hannah could help me. I have a herbal mix for first thing in the morning and a different one for when I go to bed. The hot flushes have gone and I am sleeping so much better. It’s a real game-changer and I am so grateful to Hannah. An added bonus is that I have lost over a stone too!

Yolanda, From Yorkshire

After months of terrible hot flushes and intense sweating, with no relief from medical intervention, I searched for a medical herbalist and came across Hannah Charman. Her page spoke to me and had everything I needed on there. I immediately picked up the telephone and called her. I was at my lowest when we first spoke, I thought no one could help me get through this after suffering for so long. We chatted and as we talked my confidence grew at her knowledge and positive attitude that she could help me . I signed up for a three month period. In that time through medicine, nutrition, meditation, exercise and goals that she set my hot flushes are gone. I’m losing weight something I have struggled with and I feel that I have got myself back . The weekly chats helped me immensely. What was so important to me is that Hannah properly listened to me. She acted on everything we discussed and understood my problems. It changed my mindset and I am now dry, happy and more confident. Hannah has definitely turned my life around and I couldn’t be more grateful to her . I have recommended her to all my friends.

Lynn McCormack, From Worcestershire

Why do I need the Menopause 90 Day Rescue Programme?

Menopause without HRT

Most of my clients come to me because menopause is ruining their life, and they can’t take HRT. They include women who need help with menopause after cancer or stroke, and some with ADHD because HRT interferes with their medication.  They are finding the joint pain, anxiety, hot flushes, mood swings and fatigue are ruining their life, and they desperately need a safe, natural HRT alternative. 

Many have families to care for, businesses to run or jobs to go to, so having debilitating menopause symptoms is a huge problem.

The cancer survivors I work with often tell me they feel completely alone, and out of control of their body. For them, a surgical or chemical menopause has meant a very abrupt start to their symptoms, on top of the stress of cancer diagnosis and treatment. Usually they’re only given some basic dietary and lifestyle advice, which isn’t enough to resolve their menopause symptoms on its own.

They need a safe HRT alternative that really works, from someone who understands them.

Start Thriving Through Menopause After Cancer With Hannah

The first consultation is all about you.

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Your medicine is ‘made to measure’

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You’re monitored with regular follow-ups

How Peri-Menopausal Are You? – complete your free, quick assessment now.

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Do we only work with menopause after cancer?

No, although many of our patients have recovered from cancer, we also treat ladies who need a different kind of help with their menopause. We have other patients too aged 8 months to 80 years. They often come with conditions like:

  • Long Covid / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Fibromyalgia
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Migraines
  • Skin problems
  • High blood pressure
  • Women’s health issues
  • Anxiety, depression, insomnia and other mental health problems
  • Children’s health issues like recurrent infections or glue ear

Find out what our patients have to say

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