What is Menopause Mastery After Cancer?

The fall out from cancer treatment can be huge on every level. It changes us not only physically, but pscyhologically and emotionally too, and we hear that the support currently available simply isn’t adequate.

Sadly, many of my patients were only told about antidepressants and self-care, neither of which were enough to manage their menopause symptoms naturally.

‘Menopause Mastery After Cancer’ offers an easy way to access menopause support following your treatment, for the monthly cost of a gym membership. It combines peer support with training on how to nurture a happy, healthy menopause. Everything we teach is based on years of combined clinical experience in cancer care, herbal medicine, health coaching and advanced hypnotherapy.

How Does ‘Menopause Mastery After Cancer’ Work?

The programme delivers training in 6 modules over 6 months. Each module helps you to realise that even if you don’t feel like it right now, you are a truly incredible being. We’ll show you how clever your body can be at finding its own natural balance when given the right resources, and how to put those resources in place.

Each module focuses on one or two key areas, so that you can support your body in regaining balance safely even if you’re still on cancer medication. This is a rolling programme, so you can join at any point, and we just ask for a 6 month commitment. We’re updating the content all the time in light of our experience and the latest research, so there’s always something new to learn even if you choose to stay with us for longer.


I wanted to support my care by looking at additional treatments, I didn’t want to leave any stone unturned. As well as herbal medicine, I also received hypnohealing from Hannah. I found this very empowering, and the result of all my treatments has been very positive”

What Training Would I Get When I Join ‘Menopause Mastery After Cancer’?

We meet online twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Thursday evening, at 7.30. All our sessions are recorded and sent out to all members so you can catch up or go over anything whenever you like.

The first session of the month is focussed on training, with Hannah, Michelle, or both of us. We finish each training session with a 10 minute hypnomeditation to help you to feel calm but energised every day. We’ll also send you the recording of this separately to listen to in between sessions without having to fast-forward the whole video recording first!

There’s also some optional ‘homework’ to help you implement what you’ve learned at home if you’d like to. We use the 2nd session of the month to share how you’ve got on, and support each other whatever’s happening.

The modules are:

  • Loving yourself and listening to your body – new ways to see your experience and start trusting your body again.
  • Nutrition and Hydration – optimum nutrition for your body with diet and supplementation.
  • Energy, Activity and Rest – taking your energy to new levels with the right balance of activity and rest.
  • Mastering Your Symptoms – learning how non-HRT medications and natural treatments could help you.
  • Self Care For Specific Symptoms – exploring which treatments would work best for you, based on your constitution.
  • The Bigger Picture Behind Menopause – discover the many hidden gifts it has for us as individuals and the global community.

In addition to the training modules, there’s also a relaxed second session used for moral support, motivation and Q&A’s. If you choose to implement your learning at home, this is when you’d share how you’ve been getting on. Although the modules are delivered in the order above, you don’t need to learn them in sequence. You can join at the start of any month and work through all 6 modules. The content will change slightly for each programme, so if you decide to rejoin at the end of your 6 months, you’ll learn something new each time.

Who Is Menopause Mastery After Cancer For?

This is for you if:

  • You’ve found yourself struggling through chemical or surgical menopause from cancer treatment.
  • You’ve completed your treatment and are now in a maintenance and monitoring phase.
  • You need to be around people who understand what it’s like to go through cancer and menopause.
  • You’d like affordable advice from natural menopause and cancer experts.
  • You’re looking for safe, natural menopause solutions that really work.

Most of our members are based in the UK but we welcome members from elsewhere too. Please get in touch if you’re from overseas as unfortunately there are some areas we’re restricted in.

What If I’m Still Taking Medication For My Cancer?

We’ll ask you which medications you’re on when you first join, so we can double check interactions if you’re taking one of the more unusual drugs. Any general recommendations made during your training will be safe to use alongside commonly prescribed cancer medications.

“Since working with Hannah I have gotten peace of mind and have become my old self again! Would I recommend Hannah to others? Absolutely, 100% :-)”

Linzi from Suffolk

Meet Your Cancer Trainer

Michelle Hindle is an experienced McMillan Breast Care Nurse who’s cared for thousands of women in her career. She has a deep understanding of the needs of women at different stages of their cancer journey, and the many different treatments used. More recently, Michelle has qualified as a Menopause Coach with internationally renowned trainer, Lauren Chiren. Michelle brings a weatlh of knowledge and provides the highest standards of care for all women facing menopause after cancer.

Meet Your Natural Menopause Trainer

Hannah Charman has been a Medical Herbalist for 25 years and has worked in alternative medicine since she was just 16. Facing her own challenges with peri-menopause symptoms lead her to specialise in natural treatments. She qualified as an Advanced Hypnotherapist in 2022 and now combines prescribed herbal treatments with health coaching and/or Advanced Hypnotherapy into unique treatment programmes. You can find out more about Hannah here. 

How Much Does It Cost To Join ‘Menopause Mastery After Cancer’?

Membership costs just £45 a month and includes:

  • One online training session
  • One online group support/accountability session
  • Lifestime access to video recordings of each session
  • Lifetime access to audio recording of each hypnomeditation

If you’re based in the UK, funding may be available via MacMillan Cancer Support. Click below to find out more.

Whether or not you’re entitled to funding, there’s a 10% discount code available by clicking the button at the top of this page.

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